NNM and NEM, two music projects from one guy.

NNM and NEM, are two different project from one guy, which plays Industrial Noise, Noise and Power Electronics.

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About Neo Moevius Projects (NNM and NEM)

This website is to show my music projects which are NNM and NEM.

I have two project with a little different name, they are related about Industrial Noise, Noise and Power Electronics.

The meaning of NNM is Neo Noise Moevius and the meaning of NEM is Neo Electronic Moevius.

This two projects are not related each other because they are different styles of music.

NNM project is related to Industrial Noise music, one style of music that I like and one project that I decide to make one project.

NEM project is related to Noise and Power Electronics music, another style of music that I lke too and I decide to make another project.

Operating Systems, Programs and Software.

In this section you will know which Operating Systems, Programs and Softwares that i used to make Industrial Noise, Noise and Power Electronics.>

Debian Linux

My favorite Linux Distro because it is very stable, fast and it has all the programs and software that I need to make music and other stuff.


Another Operating System that I have been using since the 90's, FreeBSD as Debian Linux offers also the same tools that I use in Debian Linux.


LMMS is a digital audio workstation application program. It allows music to be produced by arranging samples, synthesizing sounds, entering notes with keyboard.


Ardour is a hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application that runs on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows.


Qtractor is a hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application for Linux. Qtractor is written in C++ and is based on the Qt framework.

MuSE Sequencer

MuSE is computer software, a sequencer for Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and audio, with recording and editing abilities.

Music is Art and Art is purcharsed!

This is a friendly message to those who "free download" music from torrents or any other form.

Music is Art and it is not as a "free as a beer", have you even seen that a painter just give his art for free ? or even also a gallery gives they art for free ?.

Just because someone makes Noise, Industrial Noise or Power Electronics music, then it has to be related with violence, hate or racism? I think is totally wrong ! this music is for fun and enoy, nothing related with anything else.

I dont want to put a finger on anyone .... but I think that with this digital new age some people have found some way to get music for free when music is not for free.

For an Artist who make music for profit and sell on the internet they spent time, love and money making it to get profit from it. It is really frustating to see "someone" just not buy their music and download for free.

Please change your mind and pay to those artist who make music because they deserve all the respect.

Not for generate violence or racism !

This noise or industrial noise music is for enjoy not for racism or violence.

The main purporse of this music is to have fun and for enjoy but also not for violence, racism or any kind of hate speach or hateness.

In any case my own music or the music that i create by myself is totally just for fun and enjoy and it cannot be used in any form to incite hate, violence, racism or discrimination.

So please let's have fon all together and let's use what is music has been made for, just to enjoy, to have a goodtime and fun !.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you use Debian Linux and FreeBSD for making music and other stuff ?

I have been using both Operating Systems (Debian Linux and FreeBSD) since 90's because most of the tools are available to them. I use most of the time Debian Linux because there are many tools available on there.

Is there a big different between them (Debian Linux/FreeBSD) or is it almost the same ?

To be sincere, yes they are almost the same, both of them (Debian Linux/FreeBSD) they have advantages and disadvantages like any other OS. But the big difference of them (Linux and FreeBSD) it is about their licences, Linux use a GPL License and FreeBSD use their own license which is BSD.

Speaking about the tools that you use, which one is more useful and the most recommended?

I think that I would consider them equal powerful and useful but in any case just a small list the most used tools which i use: Ardour, Qtractor, LMMS and MuSE Sequencer. I need to give a special mention to Audacity because it is useful for record Microphone.

Any suggestion or do you want to say anything to the people ?

To those who think that Debian Linux or FreeBSD are for "amaterus" ?, well I would like to remember to people that Titanic movie was made using Linux and The Matrix movie has been made using FreeBSD.